Body/physical Play with ballsBalls are cheap, easily accessible, and generally good fun. Blowing your NoseYour child’s hearing can be affected if they are not blowing their nose to clear the eustachian tubes (which drain the fluid from the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat). Create an Obstacle CourseObstacle courses are easy to create from everyday household items or junk and can create hours of fun and learning. Hide and SeekChildren love to anticipate what is coming next and this is an important part of their learning Practice toiletingToilet training is vital for the development of a healthy body and should occur during your child’s early years, and be completed before they start school. Run Around TimeChildren benefit from opportunities to move their bodies in physical ways. Swing and SpinParents naturally rock their new baby to calm them. Rocking and swinging is beneficial for older preschool children too.