Learning new words

You will need:

A fun attitude and some initiative to find new words to learn


You can:

  • Choose a word to learn
  • Find out the meaning of the word together
  • Write out the word and put it in a visible place
  • Try to use the word in sentences throughout the day/week
  • Use the word in a conversation
Learning new words


You can also:

  • Use letter magnets on the fridge to spell your new word
  • Look meanings up in the dictionary (use a child’s dictionary or first words book to get started)
  • Highlight the words in magazines or newspapers
  • Hide your new word for your child to find


Did you know:

  • around 20 times before it becomes part of your vocabulary
  • Having an extensive vocabulary helps children learn to read


What your child is learning:

  • New words and their meanings
  • How words can be used to describe and explain things
  • Effective ways to express themselves
  • That words come together to make a sentence
  • That stories are made up of words
  • Tools to help them learn to read and write